I call you friends

Whether you were a longtime listener to one of my Relevant Radio shows or just tuned in recently, thank you for being a part of that work of daily pursuing the truth behind the stories out there. You are all, indeed, friends, as “Aloha Bob” made clear from his call on the last day of “Issues and Answers” and his follow-up email. Our friendship continues.

So does the work.

Here in this space, I’m asking questions, connecting dots, wondering aloud (well, sort of) and generally eyeing the news and media and culture for what they’re up to, and how social communications are being used on our globe today. It’s not a matter of political ideology or cultural leaning, because those things are relative and shift like the sands of time. It’s a matter of eternal truths, the natural law written on the human heart (the ‘ought’ we feel, as in ‘that guy ought not cut in line in front of me…’), and moral order. The universe was created with that order. Which means that things are supposed to work according to their nature.

It’s pretty simple and basic stuff that grounds this blog. I want this forum to be an exchange of ideas in a dialogue of goodwill, no matter what your politics or religion or lack thereof. There’s so much anger out there that public discourse has become mean-spirited and harsh and usually loud. With all the shouting and name-calling, who’s listening?

I want civility here, and even more than that, courtesy.

To those of you who listened to my shows, I wanted to say this on the last one (for now, anyway), but didn’t get the time to, because so many of you called, which was even better–talking to you.

But here’s what I wanted to say then, after nearly a year of “The Right Questions”, and a short run of “Issues and Answers.” It’s about a fleeting moment I had a while back, whisking through Borders bookstore…..well, I don’t whisk through book stores, but ‘moving with purpose.’ I get sidetracked easily in there by any number of enticing volumes. But there was a display of that series of little hardback books with funny animals on every page along with a thought that somehow compliments the animal’s expression. They’re either wise reminders, or bits of humor–or both.

I picked one up and opened it somewhere around the center, and that page read:

“They may not remember what you said, but they’ll remember how you made them feel.”

That struck me. I read it again, closed it and put it down. I can’t tell you what animal was on the other page, or even what it looked like. The message hit home. “They may not remember what you said, but they’ll remember how you made them feel.”

So…I hope, at the end of the day, whatever I’ve shared with you on the air has made you feel well informed, enlightened, encouraged and appreciated…and has given you hope.

I hope you feel respected, and better able to respect people you don’t agree with and listen to them more. I want you to be informed and engaged news consumers. Go beyond the ‘pack journalism’ of the mainstream, elite media and look at how they report. They tend to follow talking points.

Learn to have ‘questioning points,’ like “Who is the source on this?” or “Who stands to benefit?” That one tells you a lot. Or “But how do you know…?” Because a lot of the media pass along hearsay and speculation and bias as news. I’ll try here to give you other ‘takes’ on the issues. And stories you aren’t seeing much in the MSM.

One thing that anybody who knows me can tell you is that you can trust me. I promise you that I won’t miss a beat staying on news gathering and keeping you informed.

And I’ll let you know where I will be and what I’ll be working on. I have some speaking engagements on the calendar — another sort of forum for the issues of the day — and I’ll let you know when those come up. In the meantime, stay with me here.

Thank you for your trust and your kindness. I am blessed to call you friends.

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  • Sheila you’re the only Catholic media person I trust and to not hear you everyday is really sad. You helped keep us informed, especially when secular news didn’t want to cover the story because of the backlash it could inflict and perhaps ultimately upon their revenue. Or perhaps they just didn’t know about it, or knew about it but decided others should’t know. I’m grateful to you for continuing to keep us informed through this blog (which I just found today…yeah).
    May God continue to bless you and all that you do.

  • Sheila, it was all of us who were blessed to have you on Catholic Radio. Your hardwork and total effort on behalf of truth over the airways was truly refreshing.
    Personally, although we have spent minimal minutes together in person I consider you a true friend and hope we can maintain communication in the days, months and years to come. I know God will lead you to your next mission and it will be where you need to be .
    Peace always, Joe

  • Sheila,

    I missed your last program and and very sorry you are no longer on RR. I could not believe it when I listened today and heard Searching the Word. Is this a policy change at RR?

    Please let us know if Catholic Radio is in your future.

  • Sheila:

    I was in Eastern Ohio a good part of the week. I returned to Chicago Friday at Rush Hour time and as I was driving down I294, I came to learn this was your last show. I was, to say the least, disappointed!

    When they moved your show a few weeks back, they stopped carrying Coleen Kelly Mast–a friend for a good many years–and I was less than pleased. I am equally as vexed that you will no longer be blessing the air waves with your insight and faith.

    I hope it was your decision and not managements!

    In Christ,
    J. T. M.

  • Dear Shiela,

    I never ever changed my radio station from the one news station I enjoyed, but I just stumbled upon (or did the Holy Spirit have something to do with it) RR a few months ago, to the wonderful voice of Father Corapi. (I have been away from the Church for many years, and am trying very hard to find the courage to ask to be let in again.) I couldn’t believe it–a Catholic radio station, with people talking about the Catholic religion. I have learned so much in those few months, and have grown to enjoy all the different programs. I started going to bed with the radio in bed with me, like a Teddy bear. Sometimes I stayed awake a long time taking it all in, and sometimes I would sleep, then wake, all night long, listening to snippets or even hours of RR programs.

    I did not care for the program changes of a few weeks ago. The four-hour programs are too long, and your one-hour program too short. Your evening hour was inconvenient for my schedule, and then on your last day I just happened to catch the news that you were practically gone, so I am losing you completely.

    I have put your website in my Favorites and will look forward to your comments. I hope that you will keep us up to date on your comings and goings (and your son’s–I enjoyed his appearances on your program).

    God bless you and yours, Shiela.


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