If you don’t like the facts, deny them

But they are still facts, nonetheless. In a post below, I pointed out Dennis Byrne’s column in the Chicago Tribune the other day about the link between abortion and breast cancer and the media’s silence on the issue. Another one of those (sorry for the overuse of this term) inconvenient truths.

Yesterday’s Trib carried some letters to the editor refuting that link, as usual, and stigmatizing Byrne for claiming (which he did not) that making the abortion/breast cancer link somehow means all women who have – or have had – breast cancer have had abortions. Not true. That’s a smokescreen. Abortion activists have been making that argument ever since the link was discovered, so they can shut down the fine and vital work or raising awareness over yet another risk to women who have abortions.

It is the single most avoidable risk of breast cancer, say the pioneers in the ‘ABC Link’, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi and Dr. Joel Brind. I met Angela in 2000, and heard the compelling story of how she began to see patterns in the higher incidence of breast cancer in her patients, and partnered with Brind, the scientist committed to reducing public health risks, to determine what was happening. They formed the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, the go-to place for information and resources on this issue. They are committed professionals who dedicated themselves to this work when they realized what had developed….not coincidentally….since legalized abortion, and made the link.

Over the last thirty years, while most major cancers have started to decline, breast cancer incidence in the US has increased by an alarming 40%….

So begins the fourth edition of their booklet on prevention.

Publication of the first edition of this booklet was prompted by the authors’ knowledge that much of the recent surge in breast cancer was attributable to avoidable risks, and the fact that other sources of information on breast cancer risk tended not to offer complete information on avoidable risks. It has been the authors’ hope that, armed with full and accurate information, women can make healthier choices that will minimize their risk of breast cancer.

Making choices requires having information about different alternatives. The abortion industry manipulates the information and keeps most of it away from women who come to their clinics. The abortion industry vehemently fights legislation aimed at protecting women, legislation that would require basic informed consent procedures, allowing women to know the health risks of abortion. That’s information and signed consent required for every other medical procedure.

Some of the proposed legislation would require abortion clinics to allow women to see an ultrasound as part of the process of considering their “choice.” The abortion industry is vehemently fighting that, too. They want women to think that what they’re carrying is a blob of tissue, not yet human, if they even have to answer that much. Thousands and thousands of personal stories and testimonies are mounting, by post-abortive women, declaring that they were not told basic information about their pregnancies.

The South Dakota Abortion Task Force listened to 2,000 of them, and the resulting report they produced had plenty of information, more than we’ve seen since Roe. That led legislators to pass the groundbreaking bill to protect women’s health and human life. It’s centerpiece is that when a woman is pregnant, the life she is carrying is already intact as a whole, unique, separate member of the species homo sapiens, though they explicitly said human life. The doctor of a pregnant woman has two patients. The bill also stated clearly and firmly that the woman has the constitutional right to a relationship with her child, to determine what affects her own health, and to determine what affects her child’s health. They were all being violated in abortion clinics, and the “Women’s Health and Human Life Protection Law” was written to correct that. As we know, Planned Parenthood and NARAL blanketed the state of South Dakota in a campaign of disinformation to corrupt the voters’ view of the law before the referendum. It was narrowly defeated. But it will be back, and in stronger form.

So now, over in Aurora in the outskirts of Chicago, pro-life advocates are dealing with the massive Planned Parenthood clinic that was built under deception and kept closed for a while once the deception was revealed, while city officials investigated the whole thing. One of the lawsuits recently filed against Planned Parenthood/Chicago is over terribly deceptive advertising in the Aurora Beacon paper charging that pro-life people bomb clinics and pose a danger to their workers and clients.

The danger they fear most is the truth, and they’ll marshall all their forces to keep factual information from reaching women in time. In time to have a real choice.

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