More on black genocide

“Abortion is the WMD (weapon of mass destruction) of the black race.” That quote is attributed to Pastor Luke Robinson, Quinn Chapel Church, Frederick, MD., according to Right to Life, Montgomery, Alabama.

That report from Montgomery’s RTL lays out some startling statistics, though all abortion statistics are startling.

More black babies are:

  • Aborted than born. Blacks, once the largest minority, are now second largest.
  • Aborted than blacks who have died from AIDS, accidents, crimes, cancer and heart disease COMBINED.
  • Aborted than any other group. Thirty-five percent of U.S. abortions are on black women, but blacks are only 12 percent of the population. Married black women abort 4.4 times more than married whites.
  • Aborted each week – more than twice as many – as lynched by the KKK in its entire history. (Ref: & CDC/Census Report)

There are more facts I’ve never heard before, and then this:

Planned Parenthood enslaves blacks who rely on contraceptives. 78 percent of PP’s abortuaries are in black areas.

The results are disastrous. Planned Parenthood’s social discrimination has seriously weakend black families. Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single parents. These problems are increasing from generation to generation.

What I wonder is why aren’t we hearing more of this from the black community and leaders? Why have some black and white leaders – both – who claim to have their best interests at heart continued to foster the conditions of dependency and entitlement? Juan Williams seems to be asking these questions, and answering them, in his new book Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America–and What We Can Do About It.

I haven’t looked at the book yet, but plan to get it because it’s about time someone besides Bill Cosby is addressing these issues.

And down in Mongtomery, RTL wants to get out this message:

Help is available for black families. Black leaders must urge teens to remain abstinent until marriage and never abort. Elected officials must stop giving Planned Parenthood billions to entice teens to engage in sex. Black families need to become aware that abortion is hurting them and the abortionists are making bilions aborting their progeny.

Adoption is a helpful option, but abortion harms blacks and their children. Let your baby live!

Help is available. Call Project Gabriel (1.800.533.0093)

Abortion hurts everybody. Read the report put out by the South Dakota Task Force to Study Abortion to start learning how, if you don’t already know.

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  • Shelia:
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