New site

Over the weekend a new website emerged and instantly found a following. Spirit Networking was created by a lively and engaging attorney whose eagerness to spread good words and goodwill is contagious. I met with her and some similarly active professional women on Saturday, and want you to know….there’s great news about good things happening out there at the grassroots level to counter the bad stuff we hear in the news and entertainment culture.

In fact, this is the time of grassroots movements, as even the presidential candidates have respectfully acknowledged by several of them assigning whole staffs to their Internet outreach through websites and blogs.

That dynamic is working as well in faith-based initiatives. In an address he titled “The New Evangelization: Building a Civilization of Love”, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told catechists that small groups can launch big works, much as the early Church grew from small communities of faith.

“Of course, at the end of his life Paul believed that he had proclaimed the Gospel to the very ends of the earth, but the Christians were small communities dispersed throughout the world, insignificant according to the secular criteria. In reality, they were the leaven that penetrates the meal from within and they carried within themselves the future of the world.”

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