One astounding story after another

The story just below is amazing, you must admit.

So is this one.

A ten-year-old boy who underwent life-saving brain surgery has astonished doctors by emerging with a different accent.

Still British, but altogether new.

William McCartney-Moore fell seriously ill with a rare strain of meningitis last March and had an operation to remove fluid on his brain.

But in the weeks since his treatment, William, from York, has lost his northern twang and acquired the elongated vowels of received pronunciation (RP).

His mother, Ruth McCartney-Moore, said: “He survived the operation and the most amazing thing is that he came out of surgery with a completely different accent.”

As astonishing as the accent thing is, it is secondary to the fact that he is alive.

William’s illness began with a headache and a high temperature, she said. “A few days later he had a massive seizure.”

“He lost everything. He couldn’t read or write, he couldn’t recognise things and he’d lost all his social skills.”

But 18 months on, William has made a near-total recovery.

Life endures in the most magnificent ways. Look at the next post…

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