Rendering an account and restoring beauty, at the same time

Barbara Nicolosi is one of the best minds in Hollywood these days. Okay, I don’t actually know another one, so she’s the only one I know with this great intellect, insight, wit, talent and faith all embodied in one entertainment industry professional. She and her colleagues at Act One are the hope for the future of film and television.

In the Jubilee Year of 2000, when Pope John Paul II followed the Old Testament practice of seeking and granting forgiveness and cleaning the slate to make all things new again, Barb was moved to do the same thing in her professional world. Very moved. So she wrote this beautiful Prayer for Forgiveness which reveals profound faith and great cultural insight.

I have made it my own, because I can’t imagine writing something nearly so eloquent. It is exactly the right message, rendered perfectly.

Way to go, Barb. Now could you pass a few thousand copies of it around Hollywood?!

0 Comment

  • Hi Sheila,

    I will miss you! I have recommend you for Faith Magazine. They might be calling you. Lots happening!

    Prayers, Susie

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