Roadmap through the blog world

Well, this one, anyway. There seem to be a trillion blogs in the cyber universe, and they can be so different, I’m not speaking for anyone else. But a writer’s ability to delineate thoughts and highlight quotes differ, depending on which domain hosts your blog. Understand? I don’t either.

Kathryn wrote in and asked some questions about how I format this, so here’s how to read InForum.

In most posts, I give you news and analysis and insight. Links to news items are usually obvious by the different color, and they’re underlined. Most often, some of the text from that article follows the link so you can get a sense of the story. The text I’m quoting is usually bold (darker print) and sometimes a different font type. My own writing looks pretty much like this.

This is a new medium to most folks, so let me explain that a ‘blog’ is the short name for a ‘web log,’ and at least in this case, it carries a sort of record (log) of news items of particular interest. I’ve been a journalist for……ever, and cover news and issues of the day, global affairs, media, politics, law, culture, bioethics and religion. I do lots of news gathering every day and try to put some things in perspective here, or at least try to ask some good questions. Critical thinking skills are important to an informed and engaged culture.

I’m still building and tweaking this blog. So stay tuned. And thanks for writing, Kathryn.

0 Comment

  • You’re welcome, Shelia, thanks for the clarification!

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