Swim against the tide

That’s good advice for members of the ‘mainstream’ media, who tend to drift one way….the same way…..and miss the finer points of news stories.

The advice, though, was for the half a million young people who came to hear Pope Benedict near Loreto, Italy yesterday. The press covered it the day before, calling the event an ‘eco-rally’ (see below), and focusing on the pope’s remarks about saving creation “before it’s too late”. They have been noticeably silent on what else Benedict had to say.

The Holy Father launched a message to the young people “who wish to follow Christ and to be part of His Church. … Do not follow the path of pride but that of humility. Swim against the tide. Do not listen to biased and persuasive voices advocating lifestyles based on arrogance and violence, on self-importance and success at all costs, on appearance and possession to the detriment of being.”

“Be vigilant and critical” towards the messages that reach you via the communications media, warned the Holy Father. “Do not be afraid to give preference to the ‘alternative’ paths indicated by real love: a life of sobriety and solidarity; pure and sincere emotional relationships; honest commitment in study and work; profound concern for the common good. Do not be afraid to seem different or to be criticized for … being out of fashion. Your peers, … and especially those who seem furthest from the mentality and values of the Gospel, have a profound need to see someone who dares to live in accordance with the fullness of humanity as manifested by Jesus Christ.”

That would describe well these young people who yesterday gathered outside the huge Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Aurora, Illinois to….dare to be witnesses to the fullness of humanity and the common good.

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