What a good idea

As soon as I read this front page story in the current NCRegister, I thought what a great idea it is, and wondered if it’s been done before. 

Forty days transformed Moses on Mount Sinai. The city of Nineveh repented when God gave its citizens 40 days to remain faithful. Christ was empowered by 40 days in the desert.

And pro-life groups across the country are asking themselves what can happen if they unite for 40 days of prayer, fasting and outreach to end abortion.

A lot could happen if the success of a College Station, Texas, effort is any guide. “We saw the Biblical significance of what God accomplishes in 40 days,” said Shawn Carney, executive director of the Texas-based Coalition for Life.

Yes, it’s been done before in a lot of particular locations. The article covers several of them. But this is the first such national event, the first one to unite the country’s pro-life people in one, big, powerful, simultaneous effort.

Between Sept. 26 and Nov. 4, pro-life groups across the country will be mobilizing for 40 Days campaigns in their own communities. The organization has had inquiries from 374 towns in 42 states. “We already have half a dozen major American cities that are going to participate,” said Carney. “We know of another dozen that hope to participate.” Interested pro-life groups can learn more about the campaign, or register for updates at 40daysforlife.com.

Planned Parenthood is gearing up for this, too.

In preparation for the fall 40 Days campaign, Planned Parenthood in Houston and College Station are raising funds to buy tarps that the abortion businesses will place over the fence surrounding their property to serve as a visual shield in front of the praying protesters.

Like tarps deflect prayers? Or is it more like an ostrich approach, this visual shield thing…..if they don’t see the pray-ers, they just won’t be there! Ah…sort of like the baby in the womb…

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